Terms & Conditions

Community Mural Project for Amazon Fullfiment Center ORF3


- Experienced artists or artist teams over the age of 18 are eligible to apply - Artists must have experience creating large-scale murals of public artwork - Artists must have a portfolio of previous work as well as references

- Artists are required to have proof of insurance

Application Requirements:

• Resume or CV

• Artist Statement

• 3-5 Images of completed large scale murals

• References from previous clients or letters of recommendation

Juried Selection Process:

A selection committee composed of representatives from Amazon.com and Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts will review the submissions and select a shortlist of artists or artist teams to be interviewed.

Interviews will be done either in person or through ZOOM.

The selected artists or artist teams for the project(s) will be notified by electronic mail by close of business day on July 1st 2023.

The selection committee will use the following criteria:

• Artistic merit and graphic strength of design portfolio

• Contribution to the aesthetic and cultural atmosphere of the Amazon

Fulfillment Facility, ORF3

• Appropriateness of the subject and concept for public space;

• Completeness of the submission as outlined in this announcement.

Content will be deemed inappropriate which portrays content that violates copyright or other known legal ownership interest; profanity, obscenity, indecency, violence, pornography; discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality; defamation or personal attacks.


The selected muralist or mural teams will be awarded a budget for the design concept and materials needed to execute the project. Amazon.com will own the copyrights and enjoy the unlimited, licensed use of the selected design(s) for purposes of their own, as they choose. Amazon.com will not profit from the use of the art.

Please contact Rick Byrd at the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts (rick.byrd@suffolkcenter.org) with any questions or inquiries by email only. Phone calls will not be accepted.


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